Grass & Synthetic
You’ve reached the green stage of your landscape design - grass or synthetic grass are the burst of colour and life that every landscape is grateful for. We will run through some of the most important things to know when considering natural grass vs synthetic in your Dream Landscape:
We love the grass phase of a project - often we have spent 3-6 weeks looking at dirt during the construction, and laying the grass and seeing vibrant colour is a moment of relief and excitement for what’s about to be unveiled.
Grass Vs Synthetic
Choosing between grass and synthetic grass is totally preferential. While there are some factors to consider which we will outline below, it really comes down to what you like and how you want to use the space.
Grass is the natural option. In a perfect world, grass wins every day of the week. It is soft, gentle and it’s natural colour inspires healthy living.
Grass is also lower cost than synthetic and very easy to install. There are a variety of grass types to choose from, and when nurtured can offer a great space with specific functionalities to suit your needs.
The drawback is obvious - ongoing maintenance and keeping it alive! For most people, maintaining perfect lawn is not a possibility and so it’s biggest value points are discredited.
Synthetic is the artificial option. The perfection of synthetic grass makes it a fantastic option for modern landscapes.
Synthetic grass can be compact for sports sections (e.g. gym floor) or extra thick and soft for leisure areas. The longevity of the material is its biggest value point, as well as offering excellent drainage.
The drawbacks are also obvious - the sense of a ‘fake’ material can be daunting, as well as the imperfection of the colouring to-date. The final piece is the upfront investment is higher but this can be outweighed by longevity.
The choice is yours. If you like natural elements, or enjoy gardening, then natural grass is the go-to. If you want something with less maintenance, or more modern WOW, then synthetic will be your best approach.
Million Dollar Landscapes & your grass selection:
Making the right choice between grass and synthetic is challenging, and you may be wondering the best option for your landscape design.
We love designing and constructing impressive grass and synthetic areas - let’s begin exploring the possibilities for your dream landscape.